Fourastié's model


Jean Fourastié collected numerous prices series expressed in number of hours of unskilled wage. These data are available in Sauvy-Fourastié website reproduced below:


With E. Gray and A. Grimaud, we have formalized Fourastié's model of economic development.

The paper can de downloaded here. You can download the full .xls document here. This will give you access to detailed computations and enable you to observe other outcomes as well as explained in this Readme file.

You can also obtain simulations of the process of development from 1450 to 2350 by changing the parameters of the model which appear in the blue cells. Namely, the average productivity growth (annual rates), the level of saturations in the consumptions of agriculture and manufactured goods (in multiples from the consumption in 1450), and the Cobb-Douglas utility function parameters (initial repartition of consumptions).

« Please use "," instead "." when setting up value for the parameters. The values of the parameters retained in the paper are exhibited in italics.

You can also dowload the full .xls document here. This will give you access to detailed computations and enable you to observe other outcomes as well.